Snowy Groove: Christmas Time Is Near | Witty Christmas Song from the Forests around Berlin
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The track "Christmas Time Is Near" blends the charming solo style of Paul McCartney with a hint of The Police, delivering the perfect soundtrack for the hectic pre-Christmas season. The song brings tempo and drive to your holidays, exploring the ironic side of Christmas hustle and bustle.
Enjoy shots in a fairy-tale winter landscape around Berlin Köpenick. Let yourself be enchanted by the snowy woods, frost-covered trees, and festive ambiance. "Christmas Time Is Near" playfully pokes fun at the hustle and bustle of the pre-Christmas season, bringing a smile to your face.
Music video by Crimson Sunday performing Christmas Time Is Near.
Snow blows in his face
All day and night
See how his reindeers run
Oh what a sight
His sleigh flies round like a shooting star
Oh what a crazy season
For girls and boys
What do you want for Christmas
I guess it's toys
He gives us pleasure, he knows too well
Do you want to sing with me
A simple little melody
Come on and sing along
Such an easy christmas song
Giddi yap and get your deer
Christmas time is near
He will rattle your Christmas bell
Ding dong ding dong
Christmas sing song
Ding dong ding dong ding ding dong
Come on and sing along
Such an easy Christmas song
Giddi yap and get your deer
Christmas time is near
He can roam the streets
All night and day
He gives presents to
Carl, Marc and Faye
He will rattle your Christmas bell
Giddi yap and get your deer
Christmas time is near
© Crimson Sunday.
Witziges Weihnachtslied aus den Wäldern rund um Berlin. „Christmas Time Is Near“ macht sich spielerisch über den Trubel der Vorweihnachtszeit lustig und zaubert ein Lächeln auf Ihr Gesicht.
Der Titel „Christmas Time Is Near“ verbindet den charmanten Solostil von Paul McCartney mit einem Hauch von The Police und liefert so den perfekten Soundtrack für die hektische Vorweihnachtszeit. Das Lied bringt Tempo und Schwung in Ihre Feiertage und erkundet die ironische Seite des weihnachtlichen Trubels.

Genieße die Aufnahmen in der märchenhaften Winterlandschaft rund um Berlin Köpenick. Lasse dich von den verschneiten Wäldern, den frostbedeckten Bäumen und der festlichen Atmosphäre verzaubern.